
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am – 4:00 pm


National I Love My Feet Day!

Did you know August 17th is National I love my feet day? That’s right! Submitted by Carolyn D. Jenkins in May of 2015, this day serves as a great reminder to appreciate how valuable our feet are as well as the importance of proper foot care.


Feet tend to be easily forgotten because they are the farthest away from the body. However, we shouldn’t be so quick to disregard our feet as they play a significant role in the quality of our lives. Feet are the foundation of the body; they affect your posture and stability. Feet are also the main method of our transportation; they take us to our desired destination. Finally, feet help us engage in all the activities we love such as running, soccer, basketball, swimming, hiking, and more. With time and with natural wear and tear, our feet have a good chance of encountering problems, this risk increasing the more you neglect them.

In general, following the simple steps below, will help you get on the right path for proper foot care.

  1. Wash, dry, and monitor daily

Wash your feet with a gentle antibacterial cleanser daily to remove dirt and oil. Make sure to wash and dry well in between the toes to prevent fungal infections. Check your feet daily for any signs of infections as well as changes in the nails and skin.


  1. Routine upkeep

Keep your toenails trimmed by cutting straight across and filing the corners smooth. Use a pumice stone or file to exfoliate the dead skin off areas of increased pressure. Finish off with a good moisturizer to keep the skin elastic and smooth.


  1. Wear proper footwear

Your footwear choices play a huge role in the health of your feet. Wear shoes that will support, stabilize, or increase shock absorption to your feet. Try to limit the use of flip flops, ballet flats, and heels; rather invest in a good pair of runners/walking shoes. If you have foot pain, do not ignore it because if you do, the problem will only get worse.

Talk to your Chiropodist about custom foot orthotics as a means to help stabilize the foot and prevent any abnormal movements that may be contributing to your pain.


This National I love my feet day, don’t take your feet for granted and make active choices to keep them healthy.

If you’re experiencing pain or notice any changes to the skin or toenails, book an appointment with a Registered Chiropodist at Feet First Clinic for a thorough assessment today.

Here’s to Many More Years of Foot Care!

At Feet First Clinic, we’re always excited to welcome new clients! After a successful 12 years of treating our amazing patients, we’re ready to continue offering only the best foot care services and products. Give us a call to ask our friendly staff any questions you may have! Our Toronto foot specialists are ready to help!

Call us at 416-769-3338 or Book Your Assessment Today!

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Carolina Charles

Patient Relation Coordinator (She/Her)

If you’ve been to the clinic before, chances are you had the pleasure of meeting Carolina! Carolina’s daily goal is going above and beyond to make sure patients are always completely satisfied. Having worked in the podiatry industry for 22 years, Carolina brings a wealth of knowledge pertaining to client service, insurance policies, and procedures.​ She steers the ship to make sure everything runs smoothly on the daily. Carolina is known for spicing up every outfit with her signature costume jewellery.