
How To Help Your Kids With Growing Pains

Growing pains are exactly what they sound like: Pain commonly felt by young children under age 12. Most doctors say this term actually refers to pain resulting from children tiring themselves out, rather than literal growth spurt pain. This is because growing pains typically affect only the muscles, and growing bones are not painful. Despite the misnomer, growing pains can be bothersome for many young children who may be confused by this pain.

Growing pains typically feel like a throbbing ache in the foot, ankle, along the inside of the shinbone, and the lower legs. Furthermore, having Flat feet or Another foot condition common in children can aggravate growing pains. As a parent, it is wise to look into ways you can help your child cope with this situation, as the pain can prevent your child from participating in physical activity and sports. Thus, dealing with the problem before it persists can get your child back on track to enjoying physical activity. Read on to learn about how you can help your child at home! We’ll also let you know how a visit to a Toronto foot clinic can help your child.

We will cover the following in this article:

  • Signs/symptoms of growing pains
  • How a licensed chiropodist can help your child with growing pains
  • How you, as a parent, can help from home

Happy father measuring his daughter at home

Signs/Symptoms of Growing Pains 

  • Throbbing ache in the feet, ankles, lower back, thighs and legs.
  • Pain felt in the evening or at night when your child is supposed to be sleeping.
  • Pain felt before age 12.
  • Feeling fatigued quickly after physical activity.
  • Avoiding physical activity.

How A Chiropodist Can Help

First and foremost, a chiropodist can ease your mind by ensuring your child’s foot pain is indeed the result of growing pains. A thorough assessment will confirm if there are any other foot conditions you should be made aware of. They can also do the following:

  • A chiropodist can treat foot painand explain some “homework” you can do at home that will loosen muscles and ease pain.
  • A chiropodist can also examine your child’s feet and perform an orthotic assessment to determine if your child would benefit from Custom Made Orthotics. Custom orthotics aim to realign the lower part of the body, and your child should notice an improvement in lower leg and foot pain relatively quickly. What’s more, custom orthotics provide additional support for your child’s feet, making physical activity much easier for them. Constructed from plaster molds of your child’s feet, they will support their unique needs and prevent future foot conditions while minimizing aches and pains.
  • Your child may be sporting ill-fitting footwear that is contributing to their growing pains. Bad shoes can lead to, or further aggravate, aches felt in the lower legs, feet, ankles and the lower back. A proper Shoe fitting, as well as Orthopaedic shoes, can ensure your child is set up with a high quality, long lasting pair of shoes. These shoes can be tailored to support their arches, properly elevate their heels, provide the right insole distribution, and more.
Photo by Emma Bauso from Pexels – Thank you!

How A Parent Can Help At Home

Since there is no “cure” for growing pains, at-home foot care can go a long way. The following can be incorporated into your and your child’s daily routine:

  • Look into foot care products that can assist you. For example, Gehwol Gerlachs Foot Cream contains medicinal ingredients such Vaseline and medicated soap. Using this on your child’s feet can soothe aches and pains.
  • Start doing foot stretches together before bed and in the morning. Most are easy to learn and your foot specialist can let you know what stretches would be best.
  • You can use a pain reliever appropriate for children, such as children’s Tylenol or children’s Motrin. While it can sometimes be a quick fix, you should avoid relying too much on over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • A Warm foot bath can work wonders and soothe your child’s pain.
  • Use heating pads. When applied to aching legs, ankles and feet, heat is a known remedy for sore muscles.
  • Rub your child’s feet at night until the pain subsides an appropriate amount. For best results, do it regularly as a preventative measure.

Group of kindergarten kids friends arm around sitting and smiling fun

Is Your Child Experiencing Growing Pains? We’ve Got You Covered! 

Growing pains are often mild, but sometimes they can prohibit many activities that your child would normally enjoy. Furthermore, as a parent, they can interrupt your daily routine and impact your sleep if your child is up all night and in pain. It is always wise to reach out to a foot clinic and inquire about what to do. We’re confident in our ability to help inform you and solve your concerns with the least amount of discomfort as possible. Call us even to ask about a quick question and we’d be happy to point you in the right direction! 

Call us at 416-769-FEET (3338) or Book Your Assessment Today!

Everything You Need for Healthy Feet - All Under One Roof

At Feet First Clinic, we’re always excited to welcome new clients! We’re Toronto’s one-stop-shop for all your foot-related needs. For 15 years, our staff and licensed chiropodists have been helping people with their feet. From foot care to foot pain to foot products – we do it all! Give us a call to ask our friendly staff any questions you may have! Our Toronto foot specialists are ready to help!

Call us at 416-769-3338 or Book Your Assessment Today!

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If you’ve been to the clinic before, chances are you had the pleasure of meeting Carolina! Carolina’s daily goal is going above and beyond to make sure patients are always completely satisfied. Having worked in the podiatry industry for 22 years, Carolina brings a wealth of knowledge pertaining to client service, insurance policies, and procedures.​ She steers the ship to make sure everything runs smoothly on the daily. Carolina is known for spicing up every outfit with her signature costume jewellery.