
Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Foot Pain Treatment

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Foot health affects more than just our feet: Our feet are our body’s foundation, so if there’s a problem, it can affect the rest of our body too. Likewise, if there’s a problem elsewhere in our body, it can increase the burden on our feet and lead to foot issues.  Bottom line: if you have foot or ankle pain, or something just doesn’t seem quite right, you can see one of our foot specialists for an assessment.

All foot pain treatment services at our foot clinic start with an assessment by one of our skilled chiropodists. If it is your first time visiting Feet First Clinic, you will be booked for an Initial Assessment. Our chiropodists conduct foot assessments for:

  • Foot pain;
  • Footwear recommendations;
  • General foot check-ups;
  • Diagnostic Purposes; or
  • Any foot-related concern or condition.

Even if you’re not quite sure what’s going on and just want a foot specialist to take a look at your feet, you can come in for an assessment – no referral required.

At your assessment:

  • The chiropodist will listen to your foot concerns and take a medical history.
  • The chiropodist will then examine your feet. If your foot concerns relate to foot pain, mobility or foot deformities, the chiropodist will also conduct a biomechanical assessment and gait analysis.
  • The chiropodist will then diagnose your foot issues and any underlying causes.
  • A treatment plan will be discussed, and the chiropodist will make recommendations for treatment, prescriptions, footwear modifications, or foot accessories.
  • Follow-up appointments will be booked as needed, as well as appointments for any related services to treat your foot issues, such as orthoticsshockwave therapy splinting, toenail care, etc.

Time permitting, the chiropodist may also start treatment during the assessment.

Foot assessments are not covered by OHIP; however foot care benefits and chiropodist services are covered by many private health benefit plans.

Read the sections below for more information about our foot assessments and the treatment services we offer.

Conditions Treated

Click here to see the conditions our chiropodists treat at our foot clinic.  If your foot condition isn’t listed, or you’re not sure what’s going on, don’t worry: Call us at 416-769-FEET(3338) or through the booking form below, and we’d be happy to help.

The Assessment Process

How Do I Get A Foot Assessment?

To book an assessment at our foot clinic with one of our foot specialists, you can use our online booking form or call us at 416-769-FEET (3338)When booking your assessment, please identify the purpose for your visit so we can allocate enough time for your appointment.

If it is your first time at our clinic, you will be booked for an “initial assessment”.  If you’ve been here before, you will be booked for a general foot assessment (or chiropodist visit).  Assessment appointments can range from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the purpose of your visit.

Please note: Foot pain assessments with a biomechanical analysis do not include foot care treatment (i.e.: nail care, medical pedicures). If you wish to have both done in the same appointment, please let us know when you book your appointment so we can allocate enough time.

What Happens At A Foot Assessment?

At your assessment appointment, the chiropodist will take you into the exam room and you’ll be asked to remove your shoes and socks. The chiropodist will then ask you about your foot concern(s) and take your medical history.  This information will guide what happens next in your appointment and what specific examinations and treatments will follow.

Depending on the reason for your visit, the chiropodist may examine your feet for the following:

  1. Circulation and blood flow to your feet
  2. Neurological status
  3. Changes or concerns with the skin and toenails
  4. Your foot type (i.e.: flat feet, normal arches or high arches)
  5. Biomechanical abnormalities (i.e. limited or excessive range of motion in joints, areas of pain, overpronation, etc.)

If you have issues with foot and joint pain, or if the chiropodist finds any potential biomechanical concerns, the chiropodist will conduct a full biomechanical assessment and examine your gait.  The biomechanical assessment may also include a video gait analysis (read below for more information about the biomechanical assessment).

After the examination, the chiropodist will diagnose any issues and underlying causes based on their examination findings and explain them to you.

The chiropodist will then discuss a suitable treatment plan with you and make any recommendations for treating your foot concerns and preventing future issues. They will also educate you about your foot issues, how you can manage them, and the best foot care options for your feet and foot type.

Treatment recommendations may include:

If the chiropodist recommends any footwear or foot care products, the knowledgeable staff at our foot clinic can assist you after your appointment.

For more information about chiropodist assessments, you can read the following articles from our blog:

Shockwave therapy is one many treatments offered by Feet First Clinic to treat foot pain.

Biomechanical Assessment

What Are Biomechanics?

Sometimes, seemingly unrelated issues like calluses or blisters are in fact the result of biomechanical abnormalities. In fact, foot issues can be a symptom or catalyst of many musculoskeletal conditions all throughout our body, like knee pain, hip pain, even back pain! This is because we use our feet so much that when they can’t function properly, other parts of our body, like our knees and hips, have to compensate and pick up the slack. This affects our biomechanics – the mechanical movement of the joints and muscles in our body.

If your biomechanics are off when you move, it means your joints and muscles aren’t moving the way they’re supposed to. This places excessive pressure and stress on parts of your body that weren’t designed to handle it. If abnormal biomechanical movement is not corrected, the resulting strain on the muscles and joints will increase with time, and can sometimes even lead to permanent soft tissue and joint damage. This can not only cause foot pain, but ankle, knee, hip and back pain as well. After all, your feet are your body’s foundation: if there’s a foundation problem, cracks are going to form and the rest of the structure will start to shift and fail.

What Is A “Gait”?

A lot about our biomechanics is revealed by something called our “gait”. Our gait is the unique way our joints, muscles and feet move when we walk. If there are biomechanical issues, it will alter our gait and impact our feet; this will in turn affect the way other parts move, and have a cascading effect throughout our body.

The different states of the gait cycle.

What Is A Biomechanical Assessment?

By conducting a biomechanical assessment, the chiropodist can pinpoint any abnormal movements that are causing your pain and foot issues.

The biomechanical assessment involves three components:

  1. Range of motion assessment: The chiropodist will examine your range of motion in the major joints of the foot, ankle, hip and knee.  They will check how everything in your body is aligned and the symmetry between the left and right side of your body.
  2. Weight bearing assessment: The chiropodist will examine how your muscles and joints behave when bearing and redistributing weight through different movements
  3. A gait analysis: The chiropodist will use  Video Gait Analysis to carefully examine your gait to see how your feet, joints and muscles move when you walk.  They will also look at the way you distribute your bodyweight during each stage of your walking motion.  They will also determine whether you have supinate, overpronate, or have a neutral gait

Insurance and Coverage

Foot assessments and chiropody services are not covered by OHIP.

Treatment and procedures by a chiropodist are covered – in full or in part – by most private extended health benefits plans.  Each insurance company has their own stipulations about what and how much they will cover. If you are unsure about your benefits and coverage for chiropodist services, please contact your insurance company directly, or check with your employer’s HR department to receive a breakdown of your policy.

Medical footwear products prescribed by the chiropodist during your assessment, such as custom orthotics, stock item orthopaedic footwear or modified orthopaedic footwear, may also be covered by your private insurance in full or in part.  These would likely be covered under a separate line item than assessments and services.

We strongly recommend verifying your benefits coverage directly with your insurance company prior to your appointment. 

Non-prescription over-the-counter products are NOT covered by insurance.

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Request an Appointment

Our simple to use, online booking process makes it easy to book an appointment with a chiropodist for any of our services. No referral needed!

Carolina Charles

Patient Relation Coordinator (She/Her)

If you’ve been to the clinic before, chances are you had the pleasure of meeting Carolina! Carolina’s daily goal is going above and beyond to make sure patients are always completely satisfied. Having worked in the podiatry industry for 22 years, Carolina brings a wealth of knowledge pertaining to client service, insurance policies, and procedures.​ She steers the ship to make sure everything runs smoothly on the daily. Carolina is known for spicing up every outfit with her signature costume jewellery.